Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Vigilantce Against Temptation

From Chapter 10 of Triumph Over Temptation:

How then can we be vigilant against the dangers of temptation?
  1. Always remember the great danger it is for anyone to enter into temptation. "It is sad to find most people so careless about this. Most people think about how to avoid open sin, but they never think about the dynamics of temptation within their hearts." (Owen, John.Triumph Over Temptation. Colorado Springs: Victor.2005. 162)
  2. Realize we cannot keep ourselves from falling into temptation. "If we commit ourselves to God in this way, three things will follow. First, we will experience the reality of the grace and compassion of God...Second, we will be conscious of our danger and of our need for God's protection. Third, we will act in faith on the promises of God to keep us. To believe that He will preserve us is, indeed, a means of preservation."(163-4)
  3. Resist temptation by making prayer of first importance. "If we do not abide in prayer, we will abide in temptation." (165)

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