Saturday, February 25, 2012

Reflecting on condescension leads to worshp

I have posted quite a few quotes and ideas that have risen out of my reading of Scott. Oliphint's wonderful book God With Us. So much of what that book has to share resonates with me; it has both intellectual and affectional traction. I'm going to continue referring to it and sharing quotes from it over the next few weeks.

The following quote summarizes the idea of God's condescension in terms of his relationship, a covenantal one, with human beings. The fact that he relates to us, or even that we exist, indicates that He has condescended.

In a more general sense, the fact that God interacts at all with creation presupposes his covenantal character. Once he determines to relate to us, that relation entails that he take on properties that he otherwise would not have had. He limits himself while remaining the infinite God. The fact that he is Creator means that he is now related to something ad extra to which he was not related before. (188)

What an awesome God! This "stooping" of God to covenant with mankind, this condescension of God in the act of creation, makes him appear wonderfully loving and amazingly glorious to me. But He did not stop there. The great condescension with which God would bless the world is seen in the birth, life, death, resurrection, ascension, session, and return of Christ. I am left with a desire to worship this incredible God!

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